General Information

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Why Join A Club and Why to Join NHOHVA

Why join a club?

Not only do you get your $30 discount per each NH State Registration, but important funds go directly to the individual clubs so they have the critical financial resources to improve trails and create new ones.

Each year clubs apply to the NH Bureau of Trails for Grant-in-Aid funding.  A portion of your registration fee goes into this GiA fund.  The rules require up to 20% matching funds from the club to qualify. If you choose not to join a club, the extra registration fee will go into the GiA fund. Any unused GiA money that season will be rolled over to the Land Acquisition & Maintenance fund which can also be used by NH Bureau of Trails on other OHRV trails in NH.

Many clubs host events, and rides among other fun things, and include their members in these.

Please consider joining a NHOHVA affiliated club today to help maintain the trails we all enjoy riding!

Why join NHOHVA for free?

A membership in any NHOHVA affiliated club entitles that member to a membership in NHOHVA for FREE.   This membership includes occasional emails pertaining to but not limited to membership, legislation, safety, and trail patrol along with events and general information.  You can unsubscribe from these at any time at the bottom of the email.

A membership in NHOHVA also supports the club you join. At the annual meeting, the club’s delegate count is based on a Club’s membership size.  These delegates vote on the annual budget for NHOHVA and the governing by-laws. Along with the direction of NHOHVA. 

NHOHVA membership supports the clubs in their continued fight for and against OHRV legislation in New Hampshire.  NHOHVA also helps educate youth riders at events across New Hampshire. 

Please consider joining NHOHVA for FREE when you join a NHOHVA Affiliated non-profit OHRV club in NH.